I tried a couple of things: A cover for 'the princess' and 'warholizer' which gives a good effect, but I can't help feeling that creating an artwork in this way your missing out on the experience. Give me a paint brush any day.
Not a good start - after several attempts, I finally got my spot on. Computers can be frustrating; they have good days and bad days like us. I gave up. Two days later, everything worked instantly. So it wasn't me!
I’m a sensory person who likes to feel, taste, hear & smell what’s going on in my world. Like a bee, I flit from one flower to the next experience to sample what’s going on in my world. I find the world of computers cold and isolating, and in as much as you can link to the wide world web and connect with people in an instant across the globe, there is no substitute for human contact and being in your environment and feeling what’s going on around you.
On a positive note, I do love information and I use computers and internet for that reason only, as a tool.
Time is too short to waste and nature to wonderful to not be in it. I like to live outside the box not in it.